6 of Swords Guided Visualization
Here is the written script (there are some variations to what you will hear).
We’re going to play with a guided visualization that is inspired by the 6 of swords, which is a card about receiving support in times of difficulty and uncertainty. When I pulled this card after asking for inspiration for the guided visualization, it felt like an invitation to explore what happens inside of us when we need support, and to bring curiosity to our experience of asking for support and care. I hope this helps us drop into our heart space together, and practice a way we can give love and care to ourselves when we need it. I also hope offering attention to and inviting softness in this area, can help us feel more able and open to reaching out for and receiving love and care from others.
A few things to name - if at any point you are journeying on your own or the guidance I’m offering isn’t resonating with what you’re seeing - that’s okay. Honor your experience and what is coming up for you. I will also be moving through the visualization slowly and will offer a fair amount of pauses and moments of quiet so you can really be in your experience. I’m naming this because silence can be hard for me if I don’t know that people are expecting it - so you can expect it over the next 15 minutes together.
Take a few moments to settle into your seat. How can you position yourself so you feel as comfortable and held as possible? Maybe you stay seated, maybe you choose to lie down. Once you’re comfortable, close your eyes or soften your gaze.
Now, imagine that you are on a boat, gently and slowly gliding across water. Feel the gentle rocking of the boat - the sound of the oar lapping the water…. Are there any other sounds you notice around you? Maybe birds singing.. Maybe wind rustling through the leaves of trees…maybe you’re just noticing your own breath….
What is the temperature like? What time of day is it? What does the sky look like?
What else do you notice or feel? Is there a breeze on your face? What do you smell? Maybe the water smells salty, or there are flowers nearby whose scent greet your nose.
What else do you notice, as you slowly travel in this boat…
As you continue to be present with your experience on this boat, bring your awareness to your heart space. What does this area of you feel like? Is there a color, a texture, a sound…do you notice any sensations or emotions emerging, asking to be witnessed…
As you try to be with your heart space, notice if any other parts of you come in to try to change, explain or dismiss what you’re witnessing or experiencing…do your best to ask those parts of you to sit down in the boat next to you, to quietly join you in the experience. If you start to feel overwhelmed, bring your awareness back to the sounds of the water, or to the color of the sky, or to your seat in the boat. Remember that you are held and you are safe…
(8:45) As you’re with your heart center, notice what you’ve been carrying in your heart - that is ready to shift - that is ready to feel a little lighter - to be more free and more open. That is ready to offer love to you. As you ask your heart what you’re carrying, see what emerges for you - maybe there’s a sensation, emotion, a memory or other visual. And again, if any parts of you come in to try to explain or dismiss or take you out of your experience, ask them to sit down quietly next to you in the boat, and remind them that you are okay, that you are safe.
Now, ask if there are any younger parts of you that want to play a role in offering care and compassion to your heart - to helping the shift or release that your heart is wanting and ready for…
At your own pace, ask this younger part of you to touch your heart - seeing light and feeling warmth emanating from their fingers - this light and warmth and acceptance and care fills and surrounds your heart space…
Really let yourself feel and witness and receive this love - this care - this tenderness - this wisdom - that this younger part of you wants to share with you - wants to offer to your heart. As you receive this love, notice how your heart space feels different. Are there different emotions - sensations - colors - that feel possible?
How is your body as a whole feeling? Is your experience in this boat different? Are you noticing anything else showing up or being present with you…
This younger version of you has offered you a gift and placed it in your heart space for you to take with you moving forward. Without thinking about this or analyzing what comes up for you - what gift do you see - hear - feel - that this part of you has offered to you.
What lives in your heart space now that you are taking with you into the future?
Thank this younger part of you for sharing their support and wisdom. Maybe you say it to them, maybe you give them a high five or hug, or maybe you do a silly dance together. Whatever language you all share and ways you express gratitude to one another - offer that now.
Once you’re ready and this younger part of you has received your gratitude, and you’ve said goodbye, bring your awareness back into our space. Maybe wiggle your fingers or toes, or gently roll your neck. Maybe you pay a little more attention to my voice or other sounds around you.
When you’re ready, open your eyes.